Case Study

DIS Conference System at the UK Borough Council

Shure Distribution UK partner, Snelling Business Systems were tasked with supplying a high quality and value for money replacement for their existing 115-Seat congress audio system. The tender demanded a system with a lifespan of no less than 10 years, and required equipment with a warranty of no less than 5 years.
December 04, 2018 |

Shure Distribution UK partner, Snelling Business Systems were tasked  with supplying a high quality and value for money replacement for their  existing 115-Seat congress audio system. The tender demanded a system  with a lifespan of no less than 10 years, and required equipment with a  warranty of no less than 5 years.

The aim of the project was to replace the existing and rather  antiquated PA system used in its Council Chamber, with a new system  which would deliver a dual purpose; the provision of quality sound for  all Council Meetings held within the Chamber and the facility to create  greater inclusion for residents across the borough.

The installation therefore required a quality system, fully  compatible with a digital encoder which would enable the web-casting of  Council Meetings and other events and allow anyone with a computer or  wireless device to hear and view the meetings that shape their town.

In order to meet the client requirements for dual use, Shure  Distribution UK supplied Snelling Business Systems with a large, 115  delegate conference system from Shure DIS, one of the world's leading  brands of advanced conference electronics.

Snelling felt that with over 60 years' experience and having recently  been acquired by Shure to provide an enhanced product development  programme, DIS were able to combine years of knowledge with the latest  in digital technology.

The supplied Shure DIS DDS 5900 Digital Discussion System enabled the following diverse functions within the chamber:

  • Discussion
  • Interpretation
  • Grouping
  • VOX (voice activation)
  • Audio scrambling

The audio system was delivered with the installation of Gooseneck  microphones and discussion units, combined with Central Unit amplifier,  which features a fully digital audio transmission of the floor channel  as well as two channels of interpretation.

In addition, the project demanded the removal of the old antiquated  hardware and cabling, to be replaced with modern CAT6 cabling, as well  as the integration of state-of-the-art technology into the existing  furniture, to maintain the aesthetics of the Council Chamber.

Improved Speech Intelligibility 

As a result of the successful delivery of the congress system and the  dual utilisation of the solution presented by SDUK & Snellings, the  Council can now deliver increased accessibility, participation and  transparency in the democratic process.

"We are very impressed with Snelling Business Systems both in terms  of workmanship and delivering the installation to meet the project's  primary goals of replacing the aging audio system and delivering  web-casting."

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