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  • Support for MXN-AMP hardware
  • Software bug repairs

Bug Fixes

  • ID-8089: Under heavy load in larger networks with ANIUSB, MXA920-S, MXN5-C, and MXA-MUTE, it may take over 10 seconds to auto route the virtual devices.
  • ID-5962: Automatic conflict resolution is not happening in empty online room
  • ID-8126: When MXA-920 auto position is started and the user starts and cancels the listen operation prior to auto position completing, the MXA-920 auto position may fail.
  • ID-8264: When a room design file created in Designer 6.1 with MXA710 (with presets saved) is opened in DNG 6.2, the rotation value is not retained.
  • ID-5697: ANIUSB, MXA310, or MXN5-C added to a Dante Domain, the device appears as locked in Designer even when the controller permissions allow users to make changes. The user is unable to deploy, enable encryption or make any Dante related changes.
  • ID-7584: Designer 6 application may freeze in Sonoma MacOS and Windows 10, when left idle for a long duration (overnight).

PC Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems
    • Windows 10 (Professional or Enterprise), 64-bit edition
    • Windows 11 (Professional or Enterprise), 64-bit edition
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
    • Hard drive: >=5 GB (free space). (SSD 'Solid state' recommended)
    • RAM: 8 GB, 16 GB recommended
    • Screen: Preferable min. 1920x1080
    • Ethernet network connection (not required for installation, but required for working with the application)
    • IPv4 network only
    • Processor
      • 8-generation Core i5 family processor
      • 4 physical cores
      • 6 threads (logical processors)
      • Only Intel and AMD x64 architecture (64-bit) are supported. Arm-based Windows platforms shall not be supported
  • SHA-256 Checksum
    • eec2ee8e6cc19d22c5aaa1a787d44ca454e2e90b81da1e3d8910ccc7b42eee76

macOS Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems
    • Ventura (macOS 13)
    • Sonoma (macOS 14)
    • Sequoia (macOS 15)
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
    • Apple M1 or Apple M2 (Intel i5 processor)
    • Hard drive: >=5 GB (free space). SSD 'Solid state' recommended) *)
    • Physical memory: 8 GB, 16 GB recommended
    • Screen: Preferable min. 1920x1080
    • Ethernet network connection (not required for installation, but required for working with the application)
    • IPv4 network only
  • SHA-256 Checksum
    • 23d35345fb30c78252af01ae43030fe395cfae3062d80ee0b531141b1d24f488

Pre-Upgrade Requirements

  • Users must export release 4.7.x project files (with extension .dprj) for import to Designer and then convert to room design files (with extension .rdf)
  • Certain endpoint protection software may block the installation of Designer. If you encounter this issue, allow or whitelist the Designer Installer or application.
  • Event Logs paths
    • Windows:
      • C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Shure\Shure Designer 6\logs
    • macOS
      • ~/Library/Logs/Shure Designer 6/

Steps to Update Designer

  1. Users must update device firmware using Shure Update Utility. Ensure that each device is at the correct firmware version as indicated in the Compatibility section below.
  2. Download Designer from the Shure website, and then install the application
  3. Launch the Designer software application
  4. Navigate to File > Preferences to open the Preferences tab.
  5. Select the appropriate NIC to discover all the devices in ecosystem
  6. Go to the Online devices to validate device firmware
  7. Perform tasks as desired


  • This version of Designer is compatible with the following recommended software and firmware versions:
    • IntelliMix Room 6.3.0
    • ANIUSB 6.2.14
    • ANIUSB V3 6.2.22
    • MXA-MUTE 6.2.6
    • MXA310 6.2.0
    • MXA710 6.2.74
    • MXA901 6.2.46
    • MXA902 6.2.56
    • MXA910 6.2.0
    • MXA920 6.2.59
    • MXN-AMP 6.4.47
    • MXN5-C 6.2.6
    • MXN5-C V3 6.2.160
    • P300 6.2.44
  • It is imperative to use Shure Update Utility to update all devices to the specified firmware version indicated above.
  • It is highly recommended to remember or keep records of your device passphrases for future reference
  • It is highly recommended that your device credentials (passphrases) be stored in a secured system

File Conversion

  • Project file conversion from Designer version 3.X is not supported in Designer 6.
  • Reference the following steps to convert Designer 4.X project files (.dprj) to Designer 6Room design files (.rdf):
    • To export projects from Designer 4.X:
      1. Open Designer 4.X
      2. Go to “my projects”
      3. Click on the 3 dots in right side of your project – select “Export”
      4. A <your_project_name>.dprj file has been created and saved to default download folder
    • To import into Designer 6:
      1. Open Designer 6
      2. Go to “File -> Open”
      3. Navigate to and select <your_project_name>.dprj
      4. Import file dialog appears – click “Choose save location”
      5. Select a folder where the converted room files should be stored e.g <my_rooms>
      6. Dialog appears that shows all rooms contained in the <your_project_name>.dprj file
      7. Select all the rooms that you want to import
      8. Click on “Open selected rooms”
      9. All rooms selected are now opened in their own tab
      10. All room files are stored in my_rooms>/<your_project_name>/<room_name>.rdf

Known Issues

  • ID-8954: In a rare occurrence, user may notice in P300 design configuration routing lines created outside (in SDC) may do not show up in routing view.
    • Workaround: From the routing view, switch between tabs for the routing lines to appear
  • ID- 8845: In a rare occurrence, the MXA710 device authentication could cause the device to reboot from outside (SDC) of designer.
    • Workaround: Close and relaunch the Designer Application
  • ID-6479: Deploying more than 60 devices my cause the device discovery process to crash
    • Workaround: Limit the number of devices during deployment to 30.
  • ID-8276: Active preset for P300 and MXA310 may not be preserved or become inactive after upgrading Designer version 4.7.45 to Designer 6 version 6.2.0
    • Workaround: Re-Apply the desired room preset in Designer or 3rd party control system if applicable
  • ID-8132: The Room preset slot does not properly detect a conflict state when a missing device which comes back online has different preset name in slot 1 when compared to other online devices in the room.
  • ID-6479: Deploying between 30 and 60 devices in a room may degrade the Designer 6 application performance and then crash device discovery software processes
    • Workaround: Limit device deployment to 30 in a room
  • ID-8186: MXA910, MXA310 and ANIUSB-MATRIX devices password state incorrectly changed to locked state even if they are unlocked in same designer session, and Deployment failed is displayed
  • ID-7760: When you create a live room with MXA310 and MXA910 devices, set a password, and then attempt to import presets for individual device creates an authentication loop where the user no longer can access the device.
    • Workaround: Restart the Designer application
  • ID-9350: Designer application may sometimes fail to complete saving room design file fully. This anomaly happens when file save workflow is interrupted, resulting in the inability to open the saved file.
    • Workaround: Prior to making changes to any room design, ensure that the room design file is saved. Afterwards, wait for the Designer Application File Save process to be fully complete or written before closing.
  • ID-8601: Designer does not show the Allow Firmware Downgrades option in the Services tab of the MXN-AMP.
    • Workaround: Upgrade the MXN-AMP firmware to version
  • ID-8624: MXN-AMP analog outputs are disabled when Output mode is switched between LoZ and 70V mode.
    • Workaround: Upgrade the MXN-AMP firmware to version
  • ID-8732: MXN-AMP outputs tab displays the channel output label “Speaker Output” instead of “Analog Output”.
    • Workaround: Upgrade the MXN-AMP firmware to version
  • ID-8746: MXN-AMP Matrix Mixer behavior in 70V mode could automatically show Dante Output 1 routed to all Input channels
    • Workaround: Upgrade the MXN-AMP firmware to version
  • ID-9373: After upgrading Designer to version, it has been observed that MXN-AMP device may be removed automatically(evicted) from online room with a few (4.5) seconds after deployment. This anomaly occurs intermittently.
    • Workaround: Redeploy the .rdf file




  • General backend improvements


  • User Guide
  • To operate this version of AD600 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • Axient Digital 1.4.15
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 7.4.0


  • General backend improvements


  • ULX-D 2.X firmware versions are incompatible with ULX-D or QLX-D 1.X firmware versions. To ensure all receivers and transmitters in a configuration function with each other, update all devices to the same firmware version. 


  • User Guide
  • To update firmware for ULXD6/8 transmitters with ULX-D or QLX-D receivers:
    1. Update receivers to the following minimum versions:
      • ULXD4, ULXD4D, and ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16 or higher
      • QLXD4 Receivers 2.1.5 or higher
    2. Using Shure Update Utility, download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to the receivers.
    3. Using the FW Update menu on a receiver, update transmitters.
  • To update ULXD6/8 transmitters firmware while they are docked in an SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Station:
    1. Place transmitters on charging station and ensure charging station is connected to the network.
    2. Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
    3. Download updates and select Send Updates.


  • To operate this version of ULXD6/8 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
    • QLXD 2.7.1
    • SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations 2.8.6
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.4.0


  • General backend improvements


  • ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers running firmware prior to 1.4.8 must be updated to 1.4.8 before updating to newer versions.
  • ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers running firmware between 1.4.8 and 2.0.28 must be updated to 2.0.28 before updating to newer versions.
  • After 2.0.28 is installed, ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers can be updated to the latest available firmware version.
  • ULX-D devices that are downgrading to 1.5.6 may report a false failure.
    • Workaround: Because this is a false failure, closing the send updates window and going to the main page, Shure Update Utility will show green for the firmware version.
  • ULX-D 2.X firmware versions are incompatible with ULX-D or QLX-D 1.X firmware versions. To ensure all receivers and transmitters in a configuration function with each other, update all devices to the same firmware version.

Known Issues

  • Group Scan Deployment and Custom Group Load may not work with other ULXD4/ULXD4D/ ULXD4Q that are running older firmware versions


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    1. Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    2. Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    3. Press ENTER


  • To operate this version of ULX-D devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
    • AD600 Digital Spectrum Manager 1.1.7
    • AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.41
    • SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations 2.8.6
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.4.0


  • General backend improvements


  • ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers running firmware prior to 1.4.8 must be updated to 1.4.8 before updating to newer versions.
  • ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers running firmware between 1.4.8 and 2.0.28 must be updated to 2.0.28 before updating to newer versions.
  • After 2.0.28 is installed, ULXD4D and ULXD4Q receivers can be updated to the latest available firmware version.
  • ULX-D devices that are downgrading to 1.5.6 may report a false failure.
    • Workaround: Because this is a false failure, closing the send updates window and going to the main page, Shure Update Utility will show green for the firmware version.
  • ULX-D 2.X firmware versions are incompatible with ULX-D or QLX-D 1.X firmware versions. To ensure all receivers and transmitters in a configuration function with each other, update all devices to the same firmware version. 

Known Issues

  • Group Scan Deployment and Custom Group Load may not work with other ULXD4/ULXD4D/ ULXD4Q that are running older firmware versions


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    1. Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    2. Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    3. Press ENTER


  • To operate this version of ULX-D devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
    • AD600 Digital Spectrum Manager 1.1.7
    • AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.41
    • SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations 2.8.6
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.4.0


  • General backend improvements


  • ULX-D 2.X firmware versions are incompatible with ULX-D or QLX-D 1.X firmware versions. To ensure all receivers and transmitters in a configuration function with each other, update all devices to the same firmware version. 

Known Issues

  • Group Scan Deployment and Custom Group Load may not work with other ULXD4/ULXD4D/ ULXD4Q that are running older firmware versions


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    1. Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    2. Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    3. Press ENTER


  • To operate this version of ULX-D devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
    • AD600 Digital Spectrum Manager 1.1.7
    • AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.41
    • SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations 2.8.6
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.4.0


  • General backend improvements


  • User Guide
  • Information about the hardware revision is displayed in the UTILITY > VERSION menu


  • To operate this version of ULX-D devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
    • AD600 Digital Spectrum Manager 1.1.7
    • AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.41
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.7
    • ShurePlus Channels iOS 1.6.2
    • ShurePlus Channels Android 1.6.3
    • Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.4.0


  • Bug fixes



  • Compatible operating systems:
    • Windows 10 and 11
    • macOS 13 and higher
  • This version of MOTIV Mix is compatible with the following recommended firmware versions:
    • MV6
    • MV7+
    • MV7i
    • MV7 1.2.19
    • MV88+ 1.1.18
    • MVX2U


  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • The app can play files that are stored in the device’s music library. To enable this, go to the iOS Settings app, select PLAY from the list of apps, and turn on the “Allow PLAY to access Media & Apple Music” setting.
  • The app only plays files that are stored locally on the device. Some tracks that are stored in the cloud may appear grayed out in the app, but they cannot be played.


  • User Guide
  • Please report problems and submit general feedback in the app settings page


  • This app is compatible with iOS 17 or later. We can’t ensure compatibility or full-feature functionality with older operating systems.

Initial Release


  • User Guide
  • Firmware updates for MV7i are available in the MOTIV Mix desktop application


  • MV7i is compatible with the following software versions:
    • MOTIV Mix 1.4.0
    • MOTIV Audio 4.5.0
    • MOTIV Video 2.5.0