Press Release

Shure Receives Top Honors from Global Presence Alliance

July 28, 2017 |

The 2017 Vendor Excellence Award Recognizes Worldwide Leaders in AV and UC Manufacturing


Shure has again been recognised by the Global Presence Alliance  (GPA) as a recipient of the 2017 Vendor Excellence Award. This year  Shure scored among the very highest within categories that are  stringently reviewed and voted on by more than 28 companies in 40  countries.

Members evaluate the leading audio, visual, and UC manufacturers and  vendors. Shure first joined the GPA Accredited Vendor Program in 2016  and was also awarded the Vendor Excellence Award that same year.    

Chris Schyvinck, President and CEO at Shure 

Providing a consistent world-class service and support experience for  integrators and end users around the globe is of the utmost importance  to Shure, and a business focus where we have invested significant time  and resources.

This prestigious industry award validates  Shure’s commitment to all of our global markets, and we are proud that  the Global Presence Alliance recognizes our work and dedication in this  area.         

The GPA, consisting of leading audiovisual, videoconferencing, and  managed services solution providers across the globe, conducted an  in-depth survey among executives, sales, and engineering teams at all 28  GPA member organizations. Shure was among a prestigious group of nine  companies that earned the highest scores, where GPA partners were asked  to rate against technical expertise, product quality, client service,  global customer satisfaction, customer and solutions support, and  examples of excellence in practice.    

John Bailey, VP of Technology at Whitlock and a GPA Board Member 

Our promise to deliver global consistency is only realized when our  vendor partners are fully aligned in this effort. Together we are  delivering a high level of quality and increased value to our global  customers, and Shure’s high marks from all GPA partners reflect their  absolute commitment to our joint success. 


Shure accepted its Global Excellence Award at InfoComm 2017 in  Orlando. This year, nearly 40 companies were evaluated in the survey  process and nine were recognized at InfoComm. For more information about  Shure and the Global Presence Alliance, please visit or

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