Press Release

Monitoring and Control of Shure Axient Digital Wireless Systems Now Available on Yamaha CL / QL Series Consoles

July 26, 2018 |

NILES, IL, July 26, 2018 — Shure today announced expanded integration between its Axient Digital wireless microphone systems and Yamaha CL and QL series mixing consoles. Yamaha’s latest firmware update will allow sound engineers to monitor and control key features of the AD4D and AD4Q digital wireless receivers.

“Our engineering teams have been collaborating for several years now,” said Rob Fuhlbrugge, Senior Director of Engineering and Product Development at Shure. “We share a common goal of enhancing the capabilities and interoperability of our products for the benefit of our customers who rely on them. This latest firmware version from Yamaha will allow the wireless monitoring and control of Axient Digital. Shure and Yamaha engineers have collaborated on the best way to present the information from Axient Digital to the Engineer operating the console, in addition to collaboratively testing the system to ensure maximum reliability.”

As the premier wireless solution in Shure’s successful portfolio, Axient Digital builds on the superior benefits of the Company’s UHF-R®, ULX-D®, and Axient wireless systems to create the most advanced wireless platform to date, suited for all professional productions and situations. Catering to evolving customer needs—especially in an environment of continued RF spectrum pressure — Axient Digital provides high-performance RF, exceptional audio quality, command and control, and hardware scalability.

Previous firmware versions have enabled CL and QL series consoles to support several other Shure wireless products, including QLXD, ULXD and Axient.

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