SM57 and SM58® Inside the Legends
We take a look at the history and technology of the legendary SM57 and SM58® microphones in this episode. A few highlights from the show include: the "drop test" and a testimonial from devoted SM58 user Henry Rollins. Tim Vear from Shure's Applications Department is our guest.
December 07, 2007 |

A Shure Educational Podcast
We take a look at the history and technology of the legendary SM57 and SM58® microphones in this episode. A few highlights from the show include: the "drop test" and a testimonial from devoted SM58 user Henry Rollins. Tim Vear from Shure's Applications Department is our guest.
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Davida Rochman
A Shure associate since 1979, Davida Rochman graduated with a degree in Speech Communications and never imagined that her first post-college job would result in a lifelong career that had her marketing microphones rather than speaking into them. Today, Davida is a Corporate Public Relations Manager, responsible for public relations activities, sponsorships, and donation programs that intersect with Shure at the corporate and industry level.