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Stem Ecosystem Platform Advanced Settings

Let’s break down how you can adjust the settings of your organization, individual rooms, and devices through the Stem ecosystem platform’s Advanced Settings.
September, 14 2021 |
Stem Control

Typically to adjust your audio for your organization’s rooms and devices, you’d need an AV integrator or audio engineer to come in and make the adjustments. But, if you haven’t already noticed, Stem is anything but typical. We want to empower you with the freedom to customize and adjust your audio solutions for your entire organization, all on your own. So, let’s break down how you can adjust the settings of your organization, individual rooms, and devices through the Stem ecosystem platform’s Advanced Settings.


Advanced General settings



So, let’s start with the Advanced General settings. The adjustments made here will apply to every room and device in the organization.


Organization Name


Once you’re in Advanced General Settings you will see the organization’s name if one is created.


Apply Settings


As a safeguard in our system, once a change is made in Advanced Settings you must click the apply settings button to send the updated settings information to all the devices. So, after changes have been made to the Advanced General Settings, make sure to click “APPLY SETTINGS” or else the updated changes won’t apply. But don’t worry, if you forget the platform will ask if you want to exit without saving your changes.


Scheduled Restart


Next, is Scheduled Restart which allows you to schedule an organization-wide restart for every room and device. You can choose the frequency from “never” to “weekly” or “daily” and set the day and the time if you choose to schedule a recurring restart of your system. Don’t forget, once you’re done click “apply settings".


Scheduled Testing


Then, we have Scheduled Testing, which works on the same exact principle as the reboot, only in this case it’s going to run system tests. When you adjust scheduled testing in Advanced General settings it will apply to all rooms and devices in your organization. We recommend choosing a time either in the late evening or on the weekends when nobody’s in the office so your co-workers won’t be bothered by these tests (same applies to restart).


Light Display


After that, we move down the list and to the toggle light display section. This controls all of the active lights on every single device. For example, when devices are working you will see either beamforming or a blue status light and when these lights are turned off, you will no longer see those active lights. However, the mute lights and other critical indicator lights will remain on.


Device Firmware Updates


When new updates are available, we will send it out to all devices. The devices will then search the network for any available updates and automatically update themselves at a time when they are not currently in use.


IP Address Whitelist (Available on iPad, Android, and Stem Control)


Then, we have the option to utilize IP Address Whitelist. This can be used if you have multiple virtual networks and you want to be able to control devices that are in a separate virtual network by whitelisting your devices. To do this, type in the IP address of the device that isn’t on the virtual network that you want to add to this whitelist. Once that is complete, your controller will be able to see that device and use it. Remember, this does not mean that devices that are on cross virtual networks can talk to each other, they can only control one another.


Local Server


The local server gives you the ability to change the upgrade file location to a local server or any cloud server of your choice. If this field is left empty your Stem devices will fetch firmware files for updates from the Stem server. This feature was created for organizations that want to limit internet access for their devices but who still need to push firmware upgrades over the network in a much more controlled environment.


Time Zone


The time zone setting allows you to adjust the time for the time zone you are in.




Finally, we have our organization settings. When installing your ecosystem, you have two security settings within the platform to choose from: creating an organization or default settings. Creating an organization increases the security level of your ecosystem. It allows devices only from the same organization to communicate and control each other, all of which is protected by a password you create.

Some things to know about creating an organization:

  • The organization password is required to make changes to any Stem devices or to add any new devices.
  • Only one password is allowed per organization.
  • Only one organization is allowed per network.
  • Within the Organization you can add as many rooms and devices as you’d like.
  • Organization information is stored within each device.

When you click “Manage” you’ll see that it allows you to exit the organization. This is only for the individual device, in this case the Control. Clicking manage and leave organization will remove only the controller from the organization. To do this for other devices you have to log in to the HTML version of the platform using the individual device’s IP address. So, if you want to leave an organization and reinsert it as either default or if I want to create a new organization you can do so. This is also where you can set up an organization if you haven’t established one yet.

Choosing the default setting and working without an organization is quicker to set up with no need to use a password when adding new devices. Some things to know about default settings:

  • All default Stem devices on the network are open to communicate and control one another via the Stem ecosystem platform.
  • Any Stem device connected to the network is open to reconfiguration and setting changes by any other Stem default device on the network.

That covers everything that you need to know about the Advanced General Settings so let’s go ahead and exit and see what this looks like inside the room itself.


Room Settings



So again, the first thing you’ll see is the “Apply Settings” button at the top. Then you can schedule a restart, schedule testing, and toggle on and off the lights. If I scheduled a restart or testing time for my whole organization and then I come into this room and I set a separate time for one of them for this particular room that will override the global settings. So if my whole organization is set at midnight on Sunday, but then I went into this room and set it on Friday at 2:00 p.m. then just this room will restart itself at that time. Here we have SIP configuration which must be done through the Hub when multiple devices are in the room. To do that you’re going to click on your SIP settings and then you will be able to see all the credentials that you’ll need to add in a SIP phone. This is something that you’re going to get from your SIP service provider but this will allow you to dial out from this room. That’s it, we covered everything for the room so let’s go over the same advanced settings at the device level.


SIP Configuration


Then we have the SIP configuration section which must be enabled through the Hub when multiple devices are in the room. To do that, select SIP settings, and then you will be able to see various settings fields for your SIP credentials. Your SIP setting credentials will need to be collected from your SIP service provider.


Device Settings


When you go into the advanced settings in an individual device it will look exactly the same as above. Any setting change here will only affect the individual device. Notice, SIP capabilities can also be enabled if you have a single device by setting the configuration to be on the device itself. To dial out it is necessary to create a room – even when using a standalone device. To dial out, select the dialer icon in the main menu of the Stem ecosystem and select the room you would like to dial out of. Remember, every Stem device can act as a standalone SIP telephone once it is paired to a room. So, that’s all there really is to know about advanced settings at the device level. Just remember how the hierarchy works!

To recap, once you set something under General it propagates it to all rooms and devices. A direct settings change at the room and/or device will override organization advanced settings. So, the rule of thumb is if you want a particular setting on one device or in one room, but you want different settings on your General, start with general settings propagated to everything, then dive into that room or that device and make the changes from there. That’s about it, at this point we’ve covered everything you need to know about the Stem Ecosystem!


If you need additional help, our customer success team is always here to help you!
Email:| Phone: (949) 877-STEM (7836)


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