
Designer 6


Designerシステム設計・調整ソフトウェアにより、Microflex® Advanceマイクロホン、オーディオインターフェース、IntelliMix®オーディオプロセッサー、Microflexスピーカー、コントロールアクセサリーなど、Shureネットワークオーディオシステムの設計から調整に至るまでをシームレスに行うことができます。 シンプルなワークフローと直感的な操作を実現するために一新されたShure Designer 6は設定、調整作業の効率を大幅に改善します。


  • Windows / MacOSに対応
  • カバーエリアの表示、追加、サイズ調整
  • オンラインの部屋をデザインファイルとして保存
  • 部屋とデバイスのシンプルなネーミング
  • 部屋のデザインをオンラインデバイスに展開
  • 802.1xプロトコルやその他の機能によりシステムのセキュリティを強化
  • ダークモードにより音声ルーティングの表示機能が向上
  • 複数の部屋やデザインを効率的に整理できるタブビューレイアウト
  • 部屋のデザインはファイルとして保存可能で、共有・配布が容易  
  • 部屋の情報とデバイスの接続情報をデバイス内に保存

この無料ソフトウェア使用すると、Microflex Ecosystemデバイスを用いたシステムの設計、既存のシステムの効率的な管理が行えます。カバーエリアやオーディオルーティングをすばやく設定し、設計ファイルを効率的に保存・共有できます。Designer 6以上のバージョンでは、WindowsとMacに対応しています。





Dante™ オーディオルーティングの単一ハブとして機能。


Microflex Ecosystemデバイス間のネットワークオーディオルーティング。


ダウンロード Designer 6

バージョン 6.2.0 | アップデートをすべて見る








IntelliMix P300

IntelliMix® P300 オーディオプロセッサー



ANIUSB-MATRIX USB接続対応オーディオ・ネットワーク・インターフェース




MXN5W-C Microflexネットワーク・スピーカー









革新的なアレイマイク・ソリューションとして世界中で評価されているMicroflex Advance。その収音性能はそのままに、高い設置柔軟性を実現したMXA710は、壁掛けディスプレイの側面や下部、天井、テーブル埋込まで、あらゆる会議空間の意匠に調和します。



小~中規模の会議室のAV会議用マイクロホン、スピーカー、DSPを一体化。シングルゾーン・オートマチックカバレッジ™テクノロジーで、20 ft四方の話し手の声を捉えます。










Shure Tech Portal


サインイン launch



Version 6.2.0


  • This release introduces support for the following features and improvements: 
    • Backtrace Support
    • AI Deverb for IMXR
    • Block FW downgrade
    • MXA710 Ceiling Height Coverage
    • Virtual Acoustic Boundary for MXA920
    • "Auto Position" of manual coverage lobes
    • Automixer VAD for MXA920, MXA902, MXA901, MXA710
    • Auto NR / Auto NLP VAD for MXA920, MXA902, MXA901, MXA710
    • Device API toggle (MXA902 has a FW dependency, but FE is a common code)
    • Application features for Autoroute options, Escape key, Lobe mute gain indications)
    • Align default file save location for all places, where the user can select location and name

Bug Fixes

  • Defect ID 8088: Shure Control IP Configurations not usable
  • Defect ID 8089: Device Presets, restore default settings is not working properly.
  • Defect ID 6477: Device Presets P300, it's possible to start Import or Clear or Apply several presets at the same time
  • Defect ID 7171: Routing warning snack bar is not displayed for unlicensed IMXR DDM locked device.
  • Defect ID 6920: Device settings are not persisting after an import preset for MXA902-S device
  • Defect ID 7058:  Changes of MIC optimization mode is not reflecting on P300 Live device after device import
  • Defect ID 7466: RDF file opened after deployment did not load properly
  • Defect ID 6298:  Coverage area "jumps" when resized in Online room
  • Defect ID 6429: Stepper button is missing for gain field coverage property panel  
  • Defect ID 6291:  Rebooting the device fails with the error message "Failed to reboot device" when clicking on the "Reboot Now" button.
  • Defect ID 6460: Delay on password selection when deploying mixed password case rooms  
  • Defect ID 6388: Filtered devices in online devices page is not persisting after switch views   
  • Defect ID 6293:  Intermittent, Clear Room Failure and Inconsistent Display
  • Defect ID 6220:  Deployment failure when pushing name to Dante devices with MXA901-R

PC Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems
    • Windows 10 (Professional or Enterprise), 64-bit edition
    • Windows 11 (Professional or Enterprise), 64-bit edition
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements  
    • Hard drive: >=5 GB (free space). (SSD 'Solid state' recommended)
    • RAM: 8 GB, 16 GB recommended
    • Screen: Preferable min. 1920x1080
    • Ethernet network connection (not required for installation, but required for working with the application)
    • IPv4 network only
    • Processor
      • 8-generation Core i5 family processor
      • 4 physical cores
      • 6 threads (logical processors)
      • Only Intel and AMD x64 architecture (64-bit) are supported. Arm-based Windows platforms shall not be supported

macOS Requirements

  • Supported Operating Systems
    • macOS 12.7.5 minimum (Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma)
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements  
    • Apple M1 or Apple M2 (Intel i5 processor)
    • Hard drive: >=5 GB (free space). SSD 'Solid state' recommended) *)
    • Physical memory: 8 GB, 16 GB recommended
    • Screen: Preferable min. 1920x1080
    • Ethernet network connection (not required for installation, but required for working with the application)
    • IPv4 network only

Pre-Upgrade Requirements

  • Users must export release 4.X project files (with extension .dprj) for import to Designer and conversion to room design files (with extension .rdf)
  • Certain endpoint protection software may block the installation of Designer. If you encounter this issue, whitelist the Designer Installer, or application.

Upgrade Path from Designer Classic to Designer 6

  1. Users must update device firmware from release 4.X / 5.X using Shure Update Utility. Ensure that each device is at the correct firmware version as indicated in the Compatibility section below.
  2. Download Designer 6 from the Shure website, and then install the application
  3. Launch the Designer 6 software application
  4. Go to the Preferences tab
  5. Select the appropriate NIC to discover all the devices in ecosystem
  6. Go to the Online devices to validate device firmware
  7. Perform tasks as desired


  • This version of Designer is compatible with the following recommended software and firmware versions: 
    • IntelliMix Room 6.2.0
    • ANIUSB 6.2.6
    • MXA310 6.2.0
    • MXA710 6.2.69
    • MXA901 6.2.46
    • MXA902 6.2.50
    • MXA910 6.2.0
    • MXA920 6.2.53
    • MXA-MUTE 6.2.4
    • MXN5-C 6.2.3
    • P300 6.2.36
  • It is imperative to use Shure Update Utility to update all devices to the specified firmware version indicated above.
  • It is highly recommended to remember or keep records of your device passphrases for future reference
  • It is highly recommended that your device credentials (passphrases) be stored in a secured system

File Conversion

  • Project file conversion from Designer version 3.X is not supported in Designer 6.
  • Reference the following steps to convert project files to room design files:
    • To export projects from Designer 4.X:
      • Open Designer 4.X
      • Go to “my projects”
      • Click on the 3 dots in right side of your project – select “Export”
      • A <your_project_name>.dprj file has been created and saved to default download folder
    • To import into Designer 6:
      • Open Designer 6
      • Go to “File -> Open”
      • Navigate to and select <your_project_name>.dprj
      • Import file dialog appears – click “Choose save location”
      • Select a folder where the converted room files should be stored e.g <my_rooms>
      • Dialog appears that shows all rooms contained in the <your_project_name>.dprj file
      • Select all the rooms that you want to import
      • Click on “Open selected rooms”
      • All rooms selected are now opened in their own tab
      • All room files are stored in my_rooms>/<your_project_name>/<room_name>.rdf

Known Issues

  • Defect Description: Under heavy load in a larger network with ANIUSB, MXA920-S, MXN5-C, and MXA-MUTE, it may take over 10 seconds to auto route the virtual devices.
    • Workaround: Relaunch auto route task
  • Designer may freeze on MacOS with Sonoma and Windows 10, if left idle for a long duration (e.g. overnight), and user is not able perform any operation in application
    • Workaround: Quit the application using activity monitor and relaunch the application
  • Automatic conflict resolution is not happening in empty online rooms. This issue occurs after clearing an offline room (room containing only offline P300 and MXA310 devices). If an online device is added to the previously cleared empty room and a removed offline device comes back online, the room will enter the conflicted state and not resolve automatically.
    • Workaround: Plug back device to get authenticated to exhibit proper icon
  • Devices that use the Audinate Dante Ultimo platform appear locked when in a Domain. Whenever an ANIUSB, MXA310, MXN5-C device is added to a DDM domain it appears as locked even when the controller permissions allow users to make changes. The user is unable to deploy, enable encryption or make any Dante related changes. 
    • Workaround: Remove device from domain, perform needed tasks such as deploy, update Dante properties, etc., and then add back to domain
  • Creating a room and adding devices, setting a password, and then attempting to import presets for an individual device creates an authentication loop where the user no longer can access the device.
    • Workaround: Restart Designer
  • When adding virtual devices into a room, deploying 60 devices may cause Device Discovery to crash
    • Workaround: Deployment should be done without delay
  • Only one room is displayed in Online rooms list when multiple devices with same room are created
  • The preset slot should get into conflict state because the missing device which is back online has different preset name in slot 1 when compared to other online devices in the room.
  • When using auto position for MXA920-S, if the user starts and cancels the listen operation prior to auto position completing, the auto position may fail.
  • When a design file in Designer 6.1 with MXA710 (with presets saved) is opened in Designer 6.2, rotation value is not retained.
  • Devices password state changed to locked state even if they are unlocked in set password step during deployment
  • The following devices are getting initialized after downgrade: MXA-Mute, MXA310, MXA910, MXA920-S, MXN5-C, IMXR and P300




IntelliMix® Room


IntelliMix® Roomは、Shureネットワークマイクロホンのパフォーマンスをビデオ会議ソフトウェアに最適化するためのDSPソフトウェアです。