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House of Worship

People gather at houses of worship for inspiration and guidance. With Shure microphones and wireless systems, you can be certain they hear the message.

Lifts voices. Raises spirits.

The congregation is gathered—united as a spiritual community. The speaker begins and the inspired words reach every ear and every heart assembled.

Houses of worship of all sizes have come to know Shure as the dependable source for audio reinforcement. With premium headsets, handhelds, and personal monitoring systems for the musicians, professional sound ensures the message is heard, powerful and pure.

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Utiliser WAVETOOL pour un meilleur monitoring des micros dans les productions à fort enjeu
Le monitoring de plusieurs canaux audio dans les grandes productions telles que des émissions de télévision ou du théâtre est souvent une opération très complexe. Heureusement, le logiciel WAVETOOL peut aider les ingénieurs du son à tout garder sous contrôle.
Monitoring des canaux par un ingénieur assistant sur un iPad grâce à WAVETOOL
Pastor preaching the message with DH5 headset
Extrait du blog Shure
How to Choose the Best Mic for the Pastor
After spending hours (or even days) preparing their sermon, clergy, including the Pastor, Rabbi, Imam, etc., want to ensure their message is clearly …

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