
Special Webinar Event: The History of the Shure Unidyne

Special Webinar Event: The History of the Shure Unidyne
June 25, 2014 |

Those of us who work with microphones day in and day out all have our favorites. Most singers swear by the SM58®. The SM7B is popular among broadcasters and recording engineers alike. And, any live sound engineer worth his salt will have several SM57s in his inventory. But when it comes to the general public, one of the most recognizable images of a microphone is that of the Model 55 Unidyne® microphone. Often referred to as "the Elvis mic", it has a classic look that has become a cultural icon; so much so that we still produce them today.

Join us as we celebrate the Year of the Unidyne with a special "prime time" webinar, focusing on the history of this classic microphone!

Shure Unidyne 55 Vintage Ad

The History of the Shure Unidyne

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Shure Model 55. Introduced in 1939 and still manufactured today, the Model 55 was the first unidirectional microphone using a single dynamic element. On January 31, 2014, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eengineers honored the Unidyne Microphone with its 137th Milestone Award. Michael Pettersen, Shure's Director of Product Technical Support and Company Historian, will provide an overview of the Unidyne's unique position in the history of 20th century broadcast, politics, and entertainment; the prototype mic elements that led to the final Unidyne element; plus the amazing story of Ben Bauer, the 24 year old immigrant from the Ukraine, who invented the Unidyne and earned his first of over 100 patents for audio technology. Rare photos and documents from the Shure Archive will be presented throughout this webinar.


This event has already occurred. You can view the archived webinar below:
Happy learning!



Cheryl DaProza
Cheryl is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Shure with previous experience in the customer service department. She is also a professional singer involved in several tribute, cover, and original bands in the Chicago metro area. In what little spare time she has between work and music, she can be found reading or hanging out with her parrot. Cheryl's favorite mic is the KSM8 and her Twitter handle is <a href=''>@TheUnsungDiva</a>.

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