
Navigating the Complex World of AV/IT

Troy Jensen, Global Market Development Lead, explains why the Shure Market Development team is a partner for the integrator and end users by helping with problem solving, services, support and more.
May 23, 2019 |
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The convergence of AV and IT has created many opportunities and challenges for the AV industry. As networked audio has become crucial to enable effortless collaboration and communication within modern workplaces, there has been increasing demand for AV and IT to speak the same language. These two departments are required to work closely to plan and implement secure deployments.

Over that same period, the relationship between manufacturers, integrators and end users has evolved to a higher level of interaction. The use of an AV system should be the same experience for any client, in any meeting room, anywhere in the world. Customers have come to expect seamless, simple and integrated solutions worldwide.

"The use of an AV system should be the same experience for any client, in any meeting room, anywhere in the world."

As quickly as networked technologies and advancements change, integrators and manufacturers need to work in partnership to ensure they are providing the necessary expertise on every product they recommend and install. Shure's Market Development team plays a key role in ensuring that the team meets the technological challenges and attends to any issues or concerns partners may have. 

The Mission of Market Development

The convergence of AV and IT has added another level of difficulty to an already complex discipline. "AV" is a language foreign to many IT professionals. Market Development personnel, in their role as product and system experts, can help to bridge that gap and help define and clarify technical questions the IT professional might have. This can take a number of forms, from application assistance, training and commissioning, to product support and demonstration, as well as new product introduction, all of which help to establish a common language between AV integrators and IT departments. 


Building strong relationships with our integrators and their customers has always been a core value for Shure. Shure has one of the longest-established Market Development teams in the industry, and it has proved integral in strengthening connections and problem solving with our integrators on their behalf for their customers' behalf. Shure has always believed that the hands-on engagement of our Market Development team, in addition to the company's innovative products, is key to building and sustaining meaningful relationships with our partners. 

Experience and Knowledge to Advise and Assist

Market Development occupies a unique position at Shure, spanning sales and marketing, applications assistance, systems support and product development. This means we are positioned to work with end users and integrators at multiple points throughout projects, whether planning new installations or maximizing the performance of products already in use. 

Market Development associates are a ready resource for our integrators and end users. We'll be there for any stage in the process – needs assessment, design or installation. Not only can we tell you if a product is right for an application, we'll also advise if it isn't, and offer a better suggestion where possible. No matter the situation we have the experience and knowledge to advise and assist our integrators and end users.

"…our role is not to make a quick sale; it's about building long-term relationships and developing the trust that comes with that."

Shure's Market Development team has varied expertise within the AV industry and provides assistance on how Shure product may or may not fit into a particular AV application. This consultative approach for our products is performed without bias for an immediate sale. We recognize that the value of our advice needs to be on par with the quality of our products. This ensures we will not make recommendations based on a single sale and only provide recommendations that meet the needs of the proposed design.

Market Development is an added value and just one of the benefits that Shure offers, alongside our training programs, certifications and, of course, industry-leading products. More than a product manufacturer, Shure is a partner that offers resources to our integrators and partners to ensure an extraordinary experience. 

It's our mission to meet and exceed clients' expectations every time all the time.

Troy Jensen
A 30-year Audio/Video industry veteran, Troy has held numerous high-level consulting and management positions focusing on architectural acoustics, system design, and project & business management. He is also certified on several computer modeling and evaluation techniques for AV sound spaces, which is particularly helpful when serving as a guest lecturer in the Yale School of Drama M.F.A. program for Technical Design and Production.

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