Baterias y Percusión
Micrófonos para baterías y percusión
especializados en cada tambor y cada
platillo. Con Shure, tu kit está completo y
tu sonido marcará el ritmo.
Sabemos que tu sonido es meticuloso y nunca pierdes el ritmo.
Por eso, un set de micrófonos convencionales no potenciará tu interpretación Sin importar cómo toques tu batería o tus instrumentos de percusión, tenemos un combo de micrófonos para ti.
Platillos y amplificador suspendidos | Amplificador y tambor repicador; Tom | Charles | Percusión | Bombo | Kits de micrófonos para batería completa
Díganos qué necesita
Platillos y micrófonos suspendidos
Micrófonos Tom y tambor repicador
Micrófonos de charles
Micrófonos de percusión
Micrófonos para bombo
Kits de micrófonos para batería completa
Más productos para bateristas
Further Reading
Further Reading
Drum techs have plenty to do with just one kit to worry about. But MARK ‘WIFF’ SMITH wrangles four sets of drums while on tour with UK folk-rock heavyweights MUMFORD & SONS. LOUDER caught up with him between daily cymbal polishings.
Thump for Your Rump: Why Drummers Need Tactile Monitoring
Never heard of tactile monitoring before? LOUDER reveals how TIM PORTER and DIL DAVIES are shaking the drum world from the bottom up.
Signal Path Podcast: Ash Soan
Listen to the latest SIGNAL PATH podcast with ASH SOAN, a legendary sessions drummer who has recorded with Adele, toured with Squeeze and even …
In-Ear Monitors for Singing Drummers: June 2016 Question of the Month
Shure Notes email newsletter subscribers submit their burning audio questions every month, and we pick one to publish in the email and here. This …
Recording Drums Part 5 - Phase Cancellation
In any recording where multiple microphones are used to capture a single sound source, the phase relationship between each microphone is critical. …
How to Get a Great Kick Drum Sound Using Two Shure Mics
Learn to capture the weight and attack of a kick drum using the Shure Beta 52A and Shure Beta 91A.
How to Mic a Snare Drum with a Shure SM57
When it comes to mic'ing a snare drum the SM57 has pretty much dominated for the best part of 50 years. The SM57 adds just the right amount of low …