Shure ULX-D at Schlossfestspiele 2014, Schwerin

68 channels of Shure ULX-D digital wireless at German open air theatre production
Martin Wurmnest, Sound Engineer Neumann & Müller
The audio quality and the RF performance of ULX-D are quite respectable.
For the annual Schlossfestspiele, the old garden in Schwerin turns into an impressive open air stage. The grandstands hold an audience of up to 1.761 people. The 2013 Festspiele took place from June 14 - July 21 and staged the operetta "Die Fledermaus" by Johann Strauss.
The Dresden branch of German PA rental company Neumann & Müller was responsible for the technical execution of the Schlossfestspiele. The were looking for a reliable wireless solution with maximum spectrum efficiency and extended RF performance.
Having used Shure's UHF-R wireless systems before, the company opted for the digital ULX-D systems. Features such as bodypack frequency diversity, Dante digital audio networking and advanced rechargeability benefit a flawless performance for all 23 shows.
Erwin Liebscher, Sound Engineer Neumann & Müller
Due to ULX-D's Dante ability, the setup and patching is very smooth. Plus you don't have this cable mess that you used to have formerly.