Case Study

Hamburg’s Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians invests in Shure Microflex Wireless

Hamburg’s Humboldtstrasse is home to the newly constructed headquarters of the local Association of Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) Physicians — that is, practitioners who, like most doctors in Germany, derive part of their income from payments made by the mandatory national private health insurance providers.
January 21, 2018 |

Hamburg’s Humboldtstrasse is home to the newly constructed headquarters  of the local Association of Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) Physicians —  that is, practitioners who, like most doctors in Germany, derive part  of their income from payments made by the mandatory national private  health insurance providers.  The new building offers SHI-accredited  doctors and psychotherapists from the Hamburg area plenty of space and  also the equipment they need for their committee-based activities, board  meetings and other events. Mediasystem, a company based in Reinbek, to  the south-east of Hamburg, was tasked with providing a sound  reinforcement system, a room booking system and associated AV  presentation equipment for the new HQ.

The Julius Adam Suite is the largest meeting space in the  Association’s new HQ, but despite its size, the Association felt it  important that lines of sight should remain as uninterrupted and speech  as intelligible as possible, even as far as the back rows of the  chamber’s public seating. Amongst other activities, the suite often  hosts discussions featuring many participants, and these have to be  moderated effectively. The Association also felt it important that the  sound reinforcement and presentation equipment should impinge as little  as possible on the architecture of the room, and blend in seamlessly,  with the control of all the technology being possible from a single  central control point.

A Shure Microflex® Wireless microphone system was chosen for the  chamber. MXW is a complete system of products, including the wireless  mic transmitters themselves, charging stations, access point  transceivers and multichannel network interfaces. The MXW system’s  elegant, flexible hardware, including handheld mics, beltpacks, boundary  microphones and tablemount bases, is an ideal choice for any installed  environment, delivering excellent sound and uncompromised, low-latency  signals via a Dante or ordinary Ethernet-based network. It also offers  AES-256 encryption technology. The rechargeable Lithium ion battery  packs used in the transmitters can be charged without having to remove  them from the transmitters and have a battery life, when fully charged,  of up to eight hours. The remaining battery charge can also be monitored  remotely.

In the MXW installation at the Humboldtstrasse HQ, up to 32 wireless  mics can be used at once, including 20 MXW8 transceiver units for use  with gooseneck microphones featuring a 'Talk' button — the best possible  solution for the Association’s lively discussions.

Adjustable, three-colour lighting columns lend the suite a very  special atmosphere, and its technical provisions were made with events  featuring many participants in mind. The AV technology in the room is  linked together via a Crestron control system and can be remotely  operated from a central touchpanel. Meetings can even be recorded for  posterity if required.

All the technology in the chamber forms a seamlessly elegant part of  the suite’s carefully considered architectural design, and even  non-technical staff require only a short introductory training session  to pick up everything they need to know to operate it with confidence.

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